Submission Guidelines
Guidelines and Editorial Policies for Authors
- The Journal is published twice a year-June and December
- Papers intended to be published in the Journal should be in English Language with British orthography. Such papers should not have been previously published in the same form in any other Journal. Every paper must have clearly stated objectives, the gap in knowledge that the author is motivated to fill, and a well-articulated discussion that evaluates the findings in relation to previous studies and shows the author's contribution to knowledge.
- The length of each paper should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words.
- The title page should carry only the title of the papers and the author's name/ designation and address. The rest of the paper should carry the title, the abstract and the main text.
- The abstract should be informative and should be between 150 and 200 words. It should be accompanied with four or five keywords.
- Manuscript should be produced in Microsoft Word with Times New Roman front, 1.5 lines spacing, and 12 point font size
- The method of citation for references should be the America Psychological Association (APA) 7th ed. The following are examples of the reference pattern:
A. Books
- Lee, S.D.(2016). Building on electronic resource collection a practical guide. London: Library Association Publishing.
- Odunewu, A.O. & Olashore, O.O. (2009). Internet and Information retrieval. In, F.A. Yesiku, R.O. Oyebode, O.I. Amusa and A.O. Odunewu (Eds), Current trends in Library and Information Science: Essay in honour of late O.K. Odusanya (Pp. 230-287). Ibadan: BIB press
B. Journals articles retrieved from the Internet
- Ifidon, E.I. (2016). Managing library users in the 21 century. Asian Journal of Library st studies, 15 (1), 78-91. Retrieved from on 21 May,2016. Note: Use the journals home page URL (or web address) if there is no Dol. Other online resources: Author, A.A. (year). Title of work. Retrieved from (indicate the web Address)
- Authors should consult the APA 7th edition for details on how to cite other sources. All references should be arranged in an alphabetical sequence.
- Manuscripts are to be sent to with a non-refundable assessment fee of N5,000.00. If a manuscript is found publishable after assessment, an additional charge of N25, 000.00 will be made by the author.
- Authors will normally be notified within three working days of receipt of their manuscripts. All manuscripts should be sent to: